Monday, April 2, 2018

Hello, World

Hi, this is my first blog ever. 

I've decided to start a blog to record my experiences in college so that I can organize my thoughts and think through things more clearly (if that makes sense). I get that this isn't a diary, or private in any way. I think that some of my stories might be interesting for other people to read. Maybe some high schooler or middle schooler will stumble across this and (hopefully) get a realistic peek into what their future could look like. Maybe my parents will find this and be upset that I've made so many bad decisions... or maybe they'll be proud that I'm working through some stuff on my own. Maybe my friends will read my posts and think, "Wow, she put all our business on the Internet, what a backstabber." Or maybe they'll enjoy the way I portray our times together. 

I think I should probably introduce myself now. I'm currently a 19 year-old first-year  Environmental Science major in Denver. I play bass guitar, intramural broom ball, Portal 2, Left4Dead 1&2, Sims 4, and (recently) Dungeons and Dragons. My favorite beverage is pink lemonade, and my favorite food is tortellini. I have a thing for guys with glasses. I also have a thing for muscular legs, as strong legs come with a nice booty.

I think writing a blog might be good for my organizational skills. I haven't written for fun since I was a Junior in high school. At the time, I'd been reading Audacious by Gabrielle Pendergast. Audacious really inspired me to read more novels in verse, and to even write my own little poems. In San Antonio, where I grew up, art was a huge part of everyday life. The more time I spend in Denver, the more I realize how huge art was in my life. In this quickly growing (or "new" as I heard someone say yesterday) city, I haven't seen much the art community. Yes, there are murals and stuff downtown, and there's the infamous Bluecifer (who is a giant metal mustang outside DIA who actually killed someone by falling on them) with his red glowing eyes, but I don't get a real sense of community from this city. It kinda feels like a giant mass of individuals more than a city... kinda like L.A. I once heard L.A. described as "72 suburbs in search of a city." I'm not sure who originally said it or wrote it, but I read it in a graphic novel. One of the characters was quoting someone else.

I'm not sure where to go from here... I'm actually kinda procrastinating right now. I have a 100 word French composition due in about an hour and 15 minutes, and I haven't started it yet. Our assignment is to pretend that we're bloggers writing for a Francophone (french speaking/reading/writing/etc) newspaper about the school system in a certain country. The country I chose is Morocco. In french it's spelled "Le Maroc". The newspaper I'm pretending to be writing for is called "Aujourd'hui le Maroc". That means "today in Morocco". 

I really hope to never take another French language class again. It's very tedious and pretty difficult for me. This is because I took Spanish in high school, and no one told me that starting a new language in college is a bad idea. I thought I was being brave or daring for taking a risk and starting a new language. Unfortunately that issue goes back to before I even chose to go to DU. I need time to soak in information; to really let myself marinate in it and understand what it means. DU is on the quarter systems, which means that instead if having two semesters a year, we cram three required terms and an optional (which means you need to pay more money) summer term into a single school year. This means that our courses are accelerated, I have very little time to file all that information into my brain cabinet, and our exams are very close together.

Anyway, that's enough for today! I have to eat lunch and write my composition. See y'all later, if anyone actually read this (haha!).

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